Jerry’s Jottings 4-29-2020

The world is closing in on our corner of the world. The JBS plant closings in Worthington has spiked the cases of Covid-19 that has made changes in our awareness. The future will remember this time with other calamities and disasters that have had a significant impact to a huge population around the world. Most will survive but there will be heart rendering losses that will not be replaced. Life has changed, we might never shake another’s hand and the idea of a group hug is gone. History will record the pandemic, the cause, steps missed for a faster response and the lives lost needlessly.

  My projects, that only needed some extra time to accomplish, have had plenty now with the same result as before. Maybe it wasn’t the lack of time. The ideas are strong yet so maybe, again, something will come to the rescue. The tulips are ready to open and the color will be appreciated and planting is just a week or two away. The rain is welcome and timely. Fieldwork has been full steam forward and a lot of seed is in the ground. Things look good.

Stay safe, mind the rules and enjoy what you can.

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“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”               Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Have a good week!

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