Jerry’s Jottings 5-6-2020

Timely rains are always appreciated and this week will be no exception. Almost all of the fall harvest has been planted. The trees are seriously earnest about turning green with welcoming leaves. Being outdoors, at a distance, is wonderful plus the joy is mosquito less at this point, but hurry.

Mother’s Day is this Sunday and a special day it is. Families will be finding new ways to celebrate this year with the virus lurking in every corner. Gone are the large family gatherings even as the rules are starting to slacken depending on the city, state or country. There also seems to be a jurisdiction problem over who can close or open anything. We individually can control most of our own actions like always. Choosing where we go and when is always a good thing. Choose wisely.

Fishing also happens this weekend so, of course, after you have done everything possible for dear old Mom then perhaps you can go wet a line in a lake or stream, your choice. I’m thinking this could be the year for me and I’m very much overdue. I’m just waiting to get approval for such an event. If the stars alignment is a match for this troubled time then there may be some water for me this weekend or maybe I could just be drowning. You can be sure that you know what I will be thinking about.

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The owner of a company tells his employees, “You worked very hard this year, therefore the company’s profits increased dramatically. As a reward, I’m giving everyone a check for $5,000!”

Thrilled, the employees gather round and high five one another.

“And if you work with the same zeal next year, I’ll sign those checks!”

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Have a good week!

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