4-H Robotics team, the Humanoids, a small group with big ideas

February brought the end of a great season for the Nobles County 4-H Robotics team, the Humanoids.  With a first place trophy for the research of their project and a seventh place finish in the robot game in South Dakota’s Lego League State Competition, they had a fun and fruitful year.  “We compete in South Dakota because Sioux Falls is a lot closer than the Twin Cities,” said Monica Horn, one of the Humanoids’ co-coaches.  Mrs Horn, along with Sharilyn Klaassen, met with eight young intellectual minds once a week from the end of August to the state competition in early February.

At their meetings, the kids take turns leading a core value challenge for the rest of the team.  They have to complete a task, which can include anything from building a tower to creating puzzles on paper, all done with the intent of building team relationships.  The importance of the team working together equally, is one of the areas judged throughout competitions.  The judges are more interested in how the team functions as a team and how they relate to other teams, than they are at the success of the challenges they are solving.

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