A Few Raider Ramblings from Coyote Corner 9-19-2018

Greetings and Happy Fall to everyone!  We just couldn’t ask for a better 2 weeks to get school off and running.  We had Principal Walker leave a week before school started and thanks to a great team effort we didn’t miss a beat!  The staff stepped up with feedback to me on our school and larger community history and the board made the extra effort to have the conversation with a special meeting to hash everything out.  We landed on our feet by giving the reins of the 7-12 to Mike Pagel who has spent his whole career teaching in the 7-12 and has bled Raider Red for over 20 years!  Grant Harms will be ½ time assistant Principal in the elementary and continue with his teaching ½ time.  And then you ask what about the other ½ time?  Well, the Gods are smiling on Fulda and we had Mr. and Mrs. Lutz move back to Fulda to take care of a parent and both are teachers!!!  Yes, it’s true that there is a teacher shortage in MN but we landed a couple of passionate and experienced veterans and Mrs. Lutz will cover the other ½ of 6th grade!!

Our volleyball team is short on wins but they have a great attitude and we are lucky to have great coaches that know the game and know how to treat kids!  The Football team is to be commended for having great young men from Fulda and HLO that get along and want to win!  They have a win under their belt and they will get more trust me!  We work with our friends from MCC on cross country but it’s the FULDA CROSS COUNTRY KIDS that I am focusing on!  Go Morgan and team GO!  We also are kicking off a fall musical soon and I look forward to that production!  So along with all this great stuff, we have kids doing great in school!

I am proud to be a Fulda community club member even though I live 14 miles away.  We have a great thing going in this community with our homes being occupied and a whole bunch of businesses that give us almost everything we need.  It’s great to see the excitement around “OUR” new fitness center opening soon!  And speaking of fitness, we’ll soon have a like new look around our swimming pool with repairs being made to the brick exterior!  We have really nice buildings and it’s time to “show them off”.  While other districts in SW MN have to worry about bonds to build and remodel, we simply need to take good care of what we have.  This weeks Church supper at St. Gabriel’s is the piece missing in so many people’s lives that do not get a chance or take the opportunity to enjoy small towns.  The community celebrations, the church suppers and the school events are the reason I hope we all live here and the events we NEED to invite our neighbors and friends to so that they get “hooked” on small town.  Have a great week!

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