Bored at home? No need to be!

Are you hearing, “I’m so bored?”, or are you thinking, “I am definitely bored?” since beginning the Stay Home Minnesota order? While needing to keep socialization to a minimum, keep in mind that this is a temporary situation that will be resolved with time.

Part of following the Stay Home Minnesota order is limiting movements outside of our homes beyond caring for our essential needs. By limiting social interactions, we will be able to decrease the chances of transmitting COVID-19, while at the same time helping our health care sector to continue to prepare for increased demands and concentrate on caring for those patients who are afflicted with the virus.

Under Governor Tim Walz’ order, Minnesotans may leave their homes to pick up essential items such as groceries or food, prescriptions, and gas, to relocate for safety reasons, or go to work if their job is deemed essential in a sector. If you leave your home, practice social distancing measures and keep six feet between you and those around you.

So, back to the question about boredom. While it is true that the school aged children and teens are to keep up with all of their assignments through online learning and packets that are well-prepared and sent out by their school district, it is also true that the time used is not as structured as a school day. That being said, what activities are available to children, teens, and adults that will keep a bad case of boredom in check?

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