Fulda Food Shelf: remains open for clients

Fulda Food Shelf: yes, we are open with information for you.

Our hours are 4 Mondays a  month.  First and Second Monday, 10-11 a.m. Third Monday, 2-3 p.m. and the 4th Monday, 6-7 p.m. Please adhere to these hours, they should work out for most clients.

Because we are following guidelines coming from SHH, all clients or shoppers must wait outside the building.  There is a covered entry to wait in until a worker contacts you.  You must sign in a registry and may fill out a check or grocery list  (refrigerated items).  Volunteers will box and bag items for you according to what we have on hand and family size. You will get items for at least 3 days but may not be things you want or like.  Please trade this with friends…do not bring back, we cannot take them.

For everyone’s protection, please wear a facial covering, like a mask, and gloves.  All volunteers will also be wearing protective covering such as a mask and gloves.  This only is done for the protection of all who work or shop at the food shelf.

We are inviting all who are in need and are taking clients on a first come first served basis as always.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask a volunteer or call Syd at 425-2211.

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