Help Fulda Elementary 3rd and 4th grade students Spread Christmas cheer

This year the Fulda Elementary School 3rd and 4th grade classes will be spreading Christmas cheer to sick children and their families.  Instead of doing a class gift exchange, each student will bring a new unwrapped gift for a child at Sanford Children’s Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD.

For the project, the children and families from Fulda will bring in unwrapped Christmas gifts to donate to a children’s hospital.  The 3rd and 4th graders will then get to deliver the gifts to Sanford Children’s Hospital on Thursday, December 21st.  The students will sing Christmas carols at the Hospital.

The Fulda area community will also have the opportunity to donate unwrapped Christmas gifts for children at Sanford Children’s Hospital.  The places where people can drop off the gifts are at Fulda Elementary School, Fulda Memorial Library, and Maynard’s Food Center.

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