Jerry’s Jottings 1-8-2020

How are your New Year Resolutions working? Mine too. I will try harder next year.

This week’s weather has some nice days for us that are appreciated. The weekend looks cooler.

Starting a fresh new year gives a certain understanding of the preceding year. Our corner of the world has had its problems and accomplishments that gives us the strength to survive. Together our future looks good and together we can shape, there is hope. Building better communities for the present with respect to those who follow give us an unbreakable bond for the future. Our history together, the mechanic, the mail carrier, farmer, teacher and the guy putting ink on this paper makes it happen. We do it individually but together to make a fabric that lasts. I want to thank everyone for their efforts and please to know it is appreciated.

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A student at a management school came up to a pretty girl and hugged her without any warning.

The surprised girl said, “What was that?”

The guy smiled at her, “Direct marketing!”

The girl slapped him soundly.

What was that?!” said the boy, holding his cheek.

“Customer feedback.”

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“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.”                                                        Stephen King

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Have a good week!

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