Jerry’s Jottings 11-20-2019

   The weather was warmer for the last week which was great for everybody. The relief was excellent with things getting done outside. The field work progressed with a lot of the corn out. There are some fields still to go but Monday’s rain will slow things down.

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   Sunday, the last day of nine day deer season, I got lucky. Just before eight a.m. after my second cup of coffee, an animal eased out of the brush. It was a deer, the first I had seen all weekend. Finally I got sight of horns and that was what I needed. It was one shot and it was over. The hard work started  then with field dressing and pulling it out. Yes, I had help, capable help, that made it easy. It was another great deer season. The buck was a twelve pointer with seven on one side. That was my weekend.

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“That’s a great place to work!” shouted my 16-year-old brother after coming home from the first day of his first job.

“I get two weeks paid vacation.”

“I’m so glad,” said my mother.

“Yeah,” added John. “I can’t wait to find out where they send me.

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My Old Aunt Says

Laugh and the world laughs with you

Snore and you sleep alone

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Have a good week!

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