Jerry’s Jottings 5-27-2020

Our first holiday of the season and it’s usual wet weather is historic. Graduation was different this year with unusual steps taken to make the special day marking the end to the first leg of their education. Our congratulations for your accomplishments are extended as well as our wish for future success.

Our attendance at several Memorial Day programs was also unusual with the new normal social distancing. There were a few family members at the short programs at cemeteries. Remembrance of those who served is an important part of our lives.

Summer officially starts on June 20 but this week is seven short months to Christmas. It will go fast, plan your time, prepare and jump in, don’t worry, much will happen hopefully in those short few mouths. Next year this time we will have new problems to solve. There are signs that things will improve but it will take time and caution on our part. We can partake in life, meet our obligations and support your local businesses. Spend your time and money local and it will come back to you many times. Together we will get thru this.

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Interviewer: Your asking for a pretty high salary for someone without any experience.

Interviewee: Well, this job is going to be super hard since I don’t know what I’m doing.

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Have a good week!

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