Jerry’s Jottings 7-3-2019

The humidity has entered our lives again and we tolerate it because its greater for the crops. The corn will be knee high by this Thursday, the Fourth of July. The beans are a little behind and there is more cover crops than normal. The moisture is abundant.

It’s a celebration of independence on Thursday, July 4. A holiday with the kicker of the next day being Friday this year making it a possible four days off. However it works for you, do it safely, July is your month. The fireworks are always good at Currie and this year will be no exception. The enjoyment is in every kids eyes and most of the adults. Share the experience.

The city council of Minneapolis has voted to not recite the Pledge of Allegiance before its meetings. I do not know how long they honored the practice, but it will end. Both the Slayton and Fulda City Councils do recite the Pledge at the beginning of each meeting. Both communities started around ten years ago. The rest of the communities do not but some I’m not sure about. There was a day when every child recited the Pledge every morning of each school day in the elementary but I don’t remember it in high school.

The variety of nationalities coming to our country, much like our own ancestors in the last couple of centuries, are looking for the opportunity to improve their lives and that of their families. That is the freedom our country stands for and that is our flag that we stand for. Celebrate the Fourth of July Proudly.

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Son to dad: “Dad, why don’t you buy me a car?”

Dad: “My dear son, God gave you two legs for what purpose?”

Son: “One leg is for the brake and the other for the accelerator.”

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My Old Aunt Says

Try to remember that the

greener grass on the other

side of the fence maybe do to

septic tank issues

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Have a good week!

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