Joy in the Journey 3-18-2020

It has become a season of uncertainty, for sure.  In just a few days the life we knew as normal, has changed significantly.  How long will it last?  Even though there are many ideas and hopes of the answer to that question, no one really knows.  I am not a person who tends to live in fear, and I am a believer in this advice from Matthew 6:34: “ Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

If you are tempted to feel hopeless and trapped in the fear of the future with all the changes happening, here are five truths to consider.  They are shared with us from a woman, Carol Kent, who I heard speak several years ago at a Women of Faith conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

   1.  Life is full of negative things that might happen.  Life is hard, and it shouldn’t surprise us that a fallen world will provide disappointment, painful losses, unfulfilled expectations and sadness.

2. As long as I choose a path of personal growth, I will face fearful situations.  The day that nothing happens that makes us feel a little bit afraid, we’d better watch out!  We may have quit breathing!  New opportunities and challenges bring numerous and sometimes fearful situations that we must deal with.

3. Acknowledging my anxieties is a positive first step.  Seek help from experts in an area of concern.  Or discuss your fears with a good friend or your spouse.  Be sure to listen to facts, and not dwell on “what ifs” and things that may never happen.

4.  An attitude of optimism will make today more enjoyable.  Seek out something humorous or an anecdote to think about.  Try to make a list of things that you see around you that you can be thankful for, no matter how small they may seem.  Reach out to someone who needs you; it will take your focus off yourself and things that may be causing anxiety.

5. Choosing a faith-filled decision is much less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from feeling helpless.  Moving out in faith may seem scary, risky, impossible, senseless, stretching, gut-wrenching and unnatural.  But its worth it!

Yes, we have to use common sense.  Yes, we must listen to advice from those who are “in the know”, and then decide for ourselves how to best contend with the circumstances.  One of the most comforting passages of scripture for me is in Philippians 4: 6-7  “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Of course we will worry at times, but we don’t have to live in that state or remain in it after we have prayed and asked for help.  The peace that only God can give, will give us a clear and settled mind and heart, if we truly ask, believing it will happen.  Continue to live, standing firm, and knowing that many battles that are bigger than we can handle on our own, are God’s to fight.  He simply asks us to not be afraid or discouraged, but to trust and obey.  Not an easy task on our own, but with His help, we can accomplish it.