Jr. High Speech meet held at Luverne

At the junior high speech meet held in Luverne on Thursday, February 15th, seven Fulda High School students competed for their first time. These students were Ethan Johnson, Tavan Mitchell, Irish Hollahan, Olivia Clarke, Olivia Wehking, Hailey VandenBosch and Samantha Bultmann.

Team members bringing home ribbons in their categories were Jenna Kemper, Ethan Johnson, and Hailey VandenBosch. Simon Spittle earned a second place ribbon in storytelling. Journey Mitchell received 1st place in Drama.

Lili Nielsen and Htoo Han competed without using their scripts, which is a huge achievement for junior high speech competitors. Olivia Wehking did two rounds without her script, despite the fact that it was her first ever meet. This is considered a truly outstanding achievement and one that is exceedingly rare!

Jr. High Speech

During the Redwood Valley Invitational,  Redwood Falls, on Saturday, two Fulda students competed for their very first time: Hope Stanton (back right) is in her first year on the speech team, and Rachael Ethridge (back left) competed  for the very first time ever. The other five team members are looking to continue on from already strong seasons. They are  front row Logan Clarke, Journey Mitchell, Hailee Guinn, Lili Nielsen and middle back Frances Piper.

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