Lunchbox series: Ku Klux Klan in southwest Minnesota?

Although many thought the Ku Klux Klan was only alive in the deep south. The reality was they indeed were a part of southwest Minnesota’s history. The Murray County Historical Museum has been providing Lunchbox series over the last several weeks. Several people were in attendance at the 4-H building to hear about the KKK.

Anita Talsma Gaul, Ph.D. is a Professor of History with Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, MN. Murray County Historical Museum director, Janet Timmerman, described Gaul as an outstanding local historian who has brought much new knowledge to the area.

The headline which led Gaul down the path of unlocking the KKK in southwest Minnesota appeared in the Lake Wilson Pilot on July 10, 1924 stating the KKK burns a cross in Chandler. The article stated the Ku Klux Klan made another visit to Murray County last Tuesday night. This time Chandler was choose as the place for advertising the wares of the Klan. On Tuesday night of last week while the people of that place were attending the outdoor movies a huge cross was burned on the hills south of town. The burning was preceded by the firing of rockets to draw attending to the cross. Anyway the weird light of the cross caused considerable excitement in Chandler.

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