Murray County Commissioners give the nod to allow racing action at Murray County Speedway

By: Sheila Crowley


Travis Radke, ditch inspector, presented four petitions to the board: CD 34, Ellsborough Twp. Sec. 24, JD 12 Bondin Twp. Sec. 32, JD28, Shetek Twp., Sec. 1, and CD20, Lowville Twp., Sec. 33. All were approved by the board. Commissioner Kluis was contacted by a landowner regarding JD22. Radke informed Kluis he had been out there and, in fact, the cleanout was validated and needed. “We treated it like any other ditch and feel there are clearly spots that need to cleaned out.” Kluis will inform the resident there is a definite need for the clean out.

Justin Hoffmann, parks, spoke with the board in regards to an extension request for Ankrum Construction on the sheep barn project. He is asking for an August 1st deadline due to the delay in receiving building products. The original completion date was set for July 1, 2020. This was approved.

Ronda Radke, HR, appeared before the board with a request to hire Jason Lohrenz as a regular full time technology supervisor effective June 8, 2020. The hire would be contingent upon satisfactory results of a criminal background check and a pre-employment drug test. Radke shared Lohrenz has a bachelor’s degree in IT as well as a master’s degree in business administration. Additionally Lohrenz has added training, which according to Radke, very few have, in the IT world along with several years of experience. According to Tom Burke, administration, he came highly recommended. Along those same lines, the board approved the hiring of Jim Reinert as a intermittent veteran’s service officer through the PERA Phased Retirement Option. This is effective from July 1, 2020 and ends July 1, 2021 at an hourly rate of $35.00. This position under PRO can extend up to five years and each year this position will be reviewed. He is retiring as of June 30, 2020 from his previous position of technology/VO. According to Radke, Reinert is excited for this opportunity and looks to be in the government center on Wednesdays for appointments. He has already expressed ways of expanding the veterans program. The board also approved this hire.

Randy Groves, highway department, shared a construction contract that needed to be signed for the three township bridges. This was approved. Groves opened the bids for culvert project SP 051-617-011. Three bids were received, ranging from $253,391 to $302,166. Low bid was awarded to Riley Brothers Construction.

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