Joy in the Journey


Joy in the JourneyWhen a little down time is needed, my husband, Dan, and I enjoy watching a movie together.  For the past two years wehave enjoyed getting movies in the mail from Netflix.  It is fun because our daughter, Ranell, usually chooses the movies we receive as it has been a gift from her.  So we never know if it will be a comedy or a drama or some mystery thriller.  Once in a while we add some titles to the list that show up in our mailbox.  What I love about them is that we can keep them as long as we want and there are no commercials to deal with.  Whenever we get ready to watch them, the movie is here and waiting.  Add a little popcorn (and maybe some Milk Duds…) and it is show time!

This past week we received one such movie titled, “ The Letters”.  It was an inspiring biographical drama that portrayed the life of Mother Teresa.  Remarkable to witness her accomplishments and life through decades of her correspondence with her spiritual mentor, Father Celeste van Exem.  So very humbling as she consistently put the very poorest and sickest people first during her time of ministry to them in India.  Never did she allow the spotlight to be on herself.  She considered herself to be a “pencil in the hand of God”.  A servant.

It was fascinating how young women were drawn to work with her.  Some against their family’s wishes because of the sickness and obstacles to overcome.  She gave tirelessly to so many families, and her rock and strength was prayer.  It was what drew her to God, and what gave her the perseverance to keep on keeping on.  When others came to her for advice, she told them to pray. Sometimes she prayed with them.  But she told them to pray until the answer was evident to them.  A simple reflection of God’s word when it tells us to “pray without ceasing”.

When I taught in the Fulda Public Schools, the following article was given to each of us one fall as we began a new year of teaching.  I had read it before, and you may have too, but it is a gentle reminder for all of us from one of the best known servants in the past century.

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered.


If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.


If you are honest, people may cheat you.


If you find happiness, people may be jealous.


The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.


Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.


For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.

It was never between you and them anyway.”

                                                                         – Mother Teresa

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