Fulda School Board approves superintendent, high school principal and assistant principal contracts

The Fulda School Board approved a new school calendar that will add hours and days. The regular days from March 18 to April 30 will be thirty minutes longer with time divided between the core subjects. This will make up two days. May 5 and May 22, May 28 thru noon on May 31 will be added to the school year to compensate for days lost to bad weather.

A presentation by Nicole Stultz from Greater MN Family Services, gave the board a run down of services that will add a full time practitioner in the school for ten thousand dollars per school year. There is one person currently working two days with 18 students in the elementary and 12 in the high school.  The board approved the contract.

In the consent agenda, the approval of three resignations, one certified, one assistant boys basketball coach and one math/interventionist.

The administrative structure was discussed and the board approved a two year contract for the superintendent and a one year contract for the high school principal and assistant principal. The vote was six to one in favor with Doug Clarke against.

The board approved the following in new business, community calendar, free ACT testing in the school for students and an elementary curriculum for six years at $50,000.00. Declaring surplus ”Fulda Raider” jerseys was tabled.

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