Jerry’s Jottings

Eighty degrees on Saturday and snowing on Monday, it makes you just love this country. The tulips will have some damage to the leaves but they should continue towards blooming. The wind and cold this time of year seems much more penetrating than it is during the heart of the winter or it could be old age creeping up on me.

Last month, I mentioned the lack of cigars from number two son and wife’s trip to Cuba. Well Monday I received Cuban cigars in time for Tuesday’s birthday. There was a box of mini Cohiba from Havana, Cuba and a box of Romeo & Julieta No. 3 from the same place. The birthday card had the caption  “here is a stogie for the fogey”.  So there you are.

* * *

You know you’re getting older when…

Everything that works hurts, and what doesn’t hurt doesn’t work.

You feel like the morning after, and you haven’t been anywhere.

Your little black book only contains names ending in M.D.

Your children are beginning to look middle-aged.

Your mind makes contracts your body can’t keep.

You look forward to a dull evening.

Your knees buckle and your belt won’t.

Your back goes out more than you do.

You sink your teeth into a steak, and they stay there.

You know all the answers, but nobody asks the questions.

* * *

I saw a sign at a gas station. It said “Help Wanted.” There was another sign below it that said “Self Service.” So I hired myself. Then I made myself the boss. I gave myself a raise. I paid myself. Then I quit.

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Have a good week!

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