Joy in the Journey 2-26-2020

It has been a good morning for healing and reconnecting!  I decided I had gone long enough without the soothing, warm water of the Fulda Swimming Pool.  I was able to sit long enough to make the ten mile ride to Fulda, and my husband, Dan, was willing to take me.  (My next goal is to be able to drive again, but since I have to kind of sit sideways at this point, it isn’t happening yet!)  I could just imagine how it was going to feel to step slowly down into the warm, 89 degree water.  It did not disappoint.

   I’m usually scurrying in the pool door about five minutes to eight, but today I actually got into the pool at 7:30 before most of the gals came.  I took a few minutes to just slowly walk through the water and do some light stretches on my bruised and tight left leg.  I know already that I am headed back there a few more times this week to stay a little longer.  It is terrific therapy and so relaxing.

   We are so fortunate in our little community of Fulda to have this wonderful asset of the swimming pool.  It goes without saying that the kids have enjoyed it for many years, and for several years they had swimming lessons during phy-ed times.  I remember in the mid-eighties going to watch my kids dive from the diving board to pass their levels of swimming.  When I taught in Fulda, our classes enjoyed many in-school swimming parties with their classmates.  There are few kids that don’t like to jump in and splash with their friends.

It is no less of an advantage for those of us beyond school age!  The benefit of warm water therapy after surgeries or injuries is well documented. Exercise in the water is so much easier to accomplish than when you are outside of the pool.  Add in the social perks of being with other women who enjoy talking and laughing while doing water aerobics, and you have a recipe for success in several directions.  We have such a good time in the pool that most of the time we aren’t even aware that this is GOOD for us physically. ( Oh, and for sure our mental states!)

The Water Lilies meet three times a week ( Monday-Wednesday-Friday) from 8:00-9:00 A.M. at the Fulda Pool.  All women are welcome, any age, and there is no rule about how often you attend.  Each session is three dollars, and many ladies even have it paid for through their health insurance.  I can assure you that you will feel welcome as soon as you enter the pool door!

This group of women is so supportive of each other and our community.  Right now they are helping to pay for a new slide for the pool.  They enjoy volunteering at the nursing home with Bingo and with parties for the residents at holiday times.  You will find them supporting public events such as the Table Cancer Event and the Wood Duck Festival.  More personally, they encourage each other through cards and calls when someone is not able to come to the pool because of sickness or family issues.  This is one of the most caring groups that I am happy to be a part of.

I know I have invited you before.  I would encourage you to come find out for yourself how much fun these mornings can be, and healthy for you too.  On Wednesday, May 6th, this group will celebrate another Spring Fling on their 6th anniversary! This event is especially planned for those who have never tried coming to water aerobics and might want to give it a try.  The cost for first time visitors is free!   It begins at 8:00  A.M. with all the gals in the pool, followed by a delicious brunch, along with door prizes.  I can guarantee you will enjoy the warm water, laughter, and friendship shared between all who take part.

As I finished up my morning today, I happened to run into Ann Witzel.  We shared a few minutes talking about the good things happening in Fulda.  Kudos to all who are involved in making our populace a friendly and alive place to reside.  None of us can do everything, but we all can strive to be a good neighbor and citizens, helping out when assistance is needed.  Go Fulda!

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