Joy in the Journey – March 11, 2020

As we spotted two robins lurking around our house this morning, I wondered out loud if they really had to walk in snow three times before spring arrived for real!  That led me to thinking about Old Wives Tales, and just where did they come from and how do they pass from one generation to another?

   The definition that I came upon for Old Wives Tales is that they are supposed truth, but actually more a superstition or folklore, many times exaggerated. Before people could read or write, these stories included safety tips and were passed down from the older generation to the younger ones.  Most of the time it was women who did the passing, and these “wives” were not necessarily married women.  The term came from the old English word “wif”, which means woman.  These “tales” often centered on women’s traditional concerns like pregnancy, social relations, health or nutrition.

   It was well known hundreds of years ago, in the King James Bible, that the Apostle Paul, in his letter to his follower, Timothy, said, “ Have nothing to do with godless myths or old wives tales – rather train yourself to be godly”.  I Timothy 4:7  Many of the following Old Wives Tales that I found are ancient, and have found their way down through centuries of time.

   FEED A COLD; STARVE A FEVER.  (Doctors will tell you to eat and drink plenty for nutrition and fluids needed to get well…whether you have a fever or not.)

   AFTER YOU FINISH EATING, YOU HAVE TO WAIT AN HOUR BEFORE SWIMMING. (I remember being told that many times as a kid, and the reason given was that we could have cramps in the water.  The American Red Cross says you just have to wait minutes, long enough to digest your food.)

   WATCHING TOO MUCH T-V IS BAD FOR YOUR EYES.  (I am guilty of telling both my kids and grandkids this one over the years.  Especially if they are sitting too close to the TV.  However, nothing proves this either!  It is proven that TV COULD hurt your health, if you don’t get up and move or exercise.  In recent years the blue violet light connected with smartphones has been proven to be harmful if overused, and can cause damage to the eyes.)

   EATING CARROTS IMPROVES YOUR EYESIGHT.  (Vitamin A does help maintain healthy eyesight, but it won’t help you get rid of your glasses if you need them.)

   FISH IS BRAIN FOOD.  (This one actually has more than just a grain of truth to it!  Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids that are very important for brain function.)

   IF YOU PULL OUT A GREY HAIR, TWO MORE WILL APPEAR.  (One hair follicle does not affect another.)

   EATING CHOCOLATE CAUSES ACNE.  ( It is probably more the sugar and dairy added to the chocolate that causes the pimples from the gooey richness.)

   CRACKING YOUR KNUCKLES CAUSES ARTHRITUS.  (No link has ever been found to substantiate this.)

   SPILLING SALT BRINGS BAD LUCK.  (This goes back to the fifteenth century, but it is just superstition.)

   TERRIBLE THINGS COME IN THREES.  (Anything can come in threes, but it is a widespread notion.)

   READING IN DIM LIGHT DAMAGES YOUR EYES.  (It does not “hurt” them, but it can cause them to become dry or tired.)

   EATING CHICKEN SOUP CAN CURE A COLD.  (Not so, but it will soothe a sore throat and mask the symptoms.)


   WHITE WINE WILL REMOVE A RED WINE STAIN.  (Rubbing alcohol might, but the kind you drink will only make the stain worse because of the sugar content.)

   SPICY FOODS CAUSE ULCERS.  (They don’t, but they can aggravate those that already exist.)

   SWALLOWED GUM TAKES YEARS TO DIGEST.  ( Actually it takes seconds!)

   IF YOUR EARS ARE RINGING, SOMEONE’S TALKING ABOUT YOU.  (An irrational belief.  If you think so, you will need to ask them directly what was said.)

   PICKING UP A PENNY ON A SIDEWALK BRINGS GOOD LUCK.  (I do it whenever I see one, but it actually dates back to olden times when metals were thought to be gifts from the gods.)

   AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY.  (Certainly delicious and nutritious, but it doesn’t ward off any illnesses.)

   TURKEY MAKES YOU TIRED.  ( Not really.  It is probably all the carbs and maybe alcohol that is served along with the turkey in the meal that causes drowsiness.)

   FOODS CONTAINING MAYONNAISE SPOIL FASTER.  (On the contrary, because mayonnaise is acidic with a low ph.)

   If most of these Old Wives Tales are false, why are they still around?  Maybe they are harmless, but many still serve a valuable purpose and discourage unwanted behavior, especially in children.  Some do offer comforting advice about common experiences that we worry about, but have no control over.

   NOW…if you see a robin plucking a worm from the thawing ground, or even better, singing robins perched up high…THAT will be a sign that the weather is mild enough for the mating season to begin at last!  Have a good week seeking sunshine and springtime clues.

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