Murray County Commissioners Local restaurant businesses pose questions to commissioners regarding support

Three local business owners  (Amy Wendlinger of Key Largo, Carrie Van Dyke, Van Bully’s and Shane Johanning, Grain Exchange) joined the commissioner meeting during open forum this past Tuesday morning with concerns whether their establishments will be sustainable for much longer.

Wendlinger opened by stating, “What can the county commissioners do? We are losing so much business. There is an imminent threat of not being able to stay open much longer for any of us.” She questioned the group as to whether they wanted the restaurants in the area to stay open. “We’re a venue…We have weddings and many different events. Do you not want to have those in the community any more because that’s what it’s coming down to.”

Wendlinger explained she had done some figuring and believes they will be down close to $90,000. Additionally with other events planned it’s an additional $20,000. She asked what to do and is there a guarantee they will be open on June 1st. She added, “I’ve already lost Memorial weekend which is my biggest weekend of the year.” Wendlinger explained there are many campgrounds near and revolve around Key Largo as well as the homes around the area. “You are already seeing a lot of homes that aren’t selling in this area. What happens if Key Largo goes down?” She asked the commissioners where the businesses are suppose to get their support, help, and get something moving.

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