Relay For Life 2020 in Murray County

The American Cancer Society’s top priority remains the health and safety of their volunteers, staff, and the cancer patients and their loved ones. The COVID-19 situation remains uncertain and fluid and their goal is to respond in a way that best meets the health and safety needs of those who rely on the ACS.

The Relay for Life Murray County committee has been ramping up plans for an awesome relay in August to celebrate our 25th year of Relay here in Murray County. We are grateful for the teams and support that Murray County has shown to ACS. We as a community are making a difference for all cancer survivors in our area and I am proud of the fact that we have made a difference with our fundraising these past 24 years. We are proud of the fact that we have been able to support cancer survivors amongst our families and friends.

The COVID-19 situation has changed our planning. Currently, we are not planning to have the traditional Relay event including the survivor banquet on August 8th. It is also the top priority of Murray County’s Relay Committee to keep our survivors and community safe.

We encourage teams to continue fundraising as dollars are still in high demand for cancer research. We will continue to submit dollars raised to ACS and we will continue to calculate those dollar amounts to your team total. We anticipate we will be able to have an awesome 25 + 1 Relay event in 2021. Any money raised will be accounted for at the 2021 event.

We encourage you to continue fundraising as we know that cancer is still here even with COVID-19 and our mission is still to defeat cancer in our lifetime.

Please submit any funds raised via protocol to MINNWEST Bank so that research can continue. 2021 will be the best Relay yet here in Murray County.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Relay Co-Chairs Linda Tobias 763-3173 or Janet Voges at 836-8629 or Kim Konkol at 836-8446.

Thank You for all you continue to do to find a CURE!

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