The Seven Second Stretch – PART 2 By Curt Hendel

Following is a fictional original story by Curt Hendel.  We will be running a chapter a week through the summer for your reading pleasure.

Back in present time, Private First Class Oxendine looked at the other Marines in the mortar pit with him and assessed the situation as though he had all day to do it.  Mortar Team Leader Sgt Savage lived up to his name.  He was an absolute warrior in every sense of the word and would have given his life for anyone.  Back in the States he had a beautiful young wife that had cooked for the team several times before they left for war and a year old daughter that would need her father as she grew older.

To the right of Billy was Terry Jones, a Corporal that had saved Billy’s life just a week earlier on another hill in another battle in this insane war.  Corporal Jones had put his life on the line for Billy and could easily have lost his own life for his actions.  Billy also knew that Terry’s mother needed him to come home alive after his time was served.  She was a war mom that had lost her other son just a month before in yet another battle.

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